Saturday, November 8, 2008
Obama Chyros Moment-Rev. Gardner Taylor This is a New Season
Rev. Gardner Taylor: I believe it's divine intervention.
The rest of the story at the link below
Click here: FortiFi @ : Obama Chyros Moment-Rev. Gardner Taylor This is a New Season
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Jonathan Irons Lay Leaders Riverside Church

Riverside Church activities in the past several years?
- I was a member of the former Riverside Strategic Planning Committee
- Presently, I am bible teacher and leader of the Riverside Social Service Bible Study Group and
- Teacher and director of the Social Service Business and Entrepreneurial Class.
I am an attorney at law in a private practice that concentrates on representing nonprofit organizations.
What has called me to seek this position and what will I bring to this position?
I have been called by a desire to be of service to the members of the body of believers who are in need of prayer, encouragement and exhortation inspired by the Word of God. I will bring a dedication to this work that is spirited, compassionate and caring. I believe that ministering to people in this manner is one of the highest callings a Christian can experience.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Brenda Laverne Grier-Miller Ordination 10/11 House of the Lord Church 415 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn,NY
On The Occasion of His
Seventy Eighth Holy Convocation
The Officer and members of
The House of the Lord and Church On the Mount, Inc
Invites You to witness
The Ordination of
Brenda Laverne Grier-Miller
Senior Minister
In The Ministry of The Gospel
Ceremonies of Ordination
Saturday the Eleventh of October
Two Thousand and Eight
Seven O'clock in the Evening
House of the Lord
Church415 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y
The Reverend Dr. Herbert Daughtry
National Presiding Minister
Chief Officiate
Our First Lady
Minister Brenda Grier-Miller is a native of Brooklyn, New York. She attended the New York City public school system, through high school. She pursued Early Childhood Education at New York City Community College and Marymount Manhattan College, and later completed a BSSW at Adelphi University's School of Social Work. Brenda received her MSSW from Case Western Reserve UniversityĆ¢€™s Mandel School of Social Sciences in May 2000.
During her adolescent years Brenda accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior. Over the past 42 years Brenda has been graced to know the Lord as her Jehovah God (God ever becoming), being all that she needs; savior, friend, healer, teacher, guide, fortress, and strength. In other words, whatever she has needed He has become. Brenda has responded to a call to ministry and was ordained as a minister under the House of The Lord Pentecostal Church October 11, 2003. in Brooklyn, New York.. She would encourage anyone who has not yet come to know God in such a way, to stop and open the door of your life to Him and invite Him in. He stands at the door of each heart knocking, waiting, wanting to enter a relationship with you. He wants to be to you what He is being to Brenda and so many others, Jehovah God (God ever becoming), all that you need.
Minister Brenda has worked in the field of Youth Ministry for years in both direct contact work (New Life in New York City/Young Life) as well as consulting work. She sees youth to be the bearers of our future as a society as well as a people. Because of her work with children, youth and families, social work was a logical discipline in which to be degreed in. Brenda has been blessed with a creative spirit and, over the years, has watched God use that spirit in the workplace in program development with adolescent girls, teen parents, youth ministers and college students. This same spirit is evidenced in her community work.
Dean Brenda is presently employed by Oberlin College as Associate Dean of Student Support Services and as Dean of the Class of 2011, servicing the total student body, with special outreach to first generation, low income college students, and students with disabilities.
Brenda is the wife of thirty-two years to Albert G. Miller, better known to some as A.G. Miller. They became members of The House of The Lord Church some twenty-nine years ago. At that time, they were looking for a church home in which they could unite their political beliefs with their spiritual beliefs. They found a home at "The House.Ć¢€ Together they have been blessed to birth and parent four wonderful children, Opuruiche' Leonidus, Imani Coushatta-Louise, Caleb N'Namdi-Shield, and Isoke Ethel-Viola. Opuruiche', a graduate of Oberlin College is presently living in New York, working in the music industry and DJaying, both home and abroad, especially in South Africa. Imani, also a graduate of Oberlin College, is a jewelry designer ( and works as assistant to the vice president of a high-end furniture company in New York. Caleb, also graduated from Oberlin College, is aphotographer and teaches at a very successful public charter school in Brooklyn. Isoke, who is a budding visual artist, is senior in high school who finds time for significant community service work. She has proven to be quite a young leader.
251 Hollywood Street
Oberlin, Ohio 4407
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Send Us Your E-Mail Preferences
Some members of the Liberated Boomer Community are content to read the blog and reflect as they revisit the past, fill in memory gaps, gain closure on some of the events that imprinted their lives, or just find out whatever happened to someone connected to the community. We are thrilled to see that word is getting out. Viewers have rapidly increased, and several people have begun to forward personal information that they have allowed us to share. Thank you so much.
It has always been our vision to also inform you about current and future happenings as we engage in disseminating new information and facilitating renewed connections. To that end we have had several requests to share e-mail addresses. This, of course, poses many privacy concerns as we do not wish to invade any ones cyberspace. We also do not wish to expose anyone to relentless forwards or unwanted solicitations. I admit that this is one of my major pet peeves. However, if you would like to share your e-mail address with other members of the community who would be likely to view the site, please e-mail your preferences .
Phil or I will keep an ongoing list of those who wish to share their info. We will only post this information on the blog by request. Please use any posted addresses to express love and concern and/or establish personal contact. Do not add them to master lists unless you have the persons' permission to do so.
If you prefer, we can include your address on a more limited e-mail list sent only to a specific group of people we feel were more likely to know each other. We certainly look forward to hearing from you.
Again, I really want to thank those who took the extra time to send personal messages.
May God bless you all as we continue to serve Him in different corners of His vast kingdom.
In His service,
Christine Leader Lilly